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You are visiting the Aspen Valley and Roaring Fork Valley, and don't really want to explore by yourself or you have other ideas. We offer some of the many activities to do , but if you have another "thing" on your mind, all you need to do is ask, and the answer is always yes! That is the spirit of Companioneering at Peak To Sea Products!
The Roaring Fork River runs right through the heart of the Aspen and Roaring Fork Valley. These River Running trips start in early Spring and go through October-based on the volume of the water from the Winter snow run off. The trip has several options, based on your energy and commitment to a good day on the water.
There is no better way to see the natural beauty of the Aspen and Roaring Fork Valley, and also get acclimated with one of the best exercises possible. This area is loaded with Mountain Bike trails for all levels.
The Aspen and Roaring Fork Valley is surrounded by natural beauty and an almost unlimited amount of hiking trails. These day trips offer three levels of difficulty: Easy, Moderate and Hard. Hiking is offered in late Spring thru October. Winter snowshoeing will be offered.
There are just a few trout in our waters! The Roaring Fork River is Gold Water Standards for Rainbow, Brown and Cutthroat and they are literally lining up to strike a lure or fly.
Alpine Skiing in this part of Colorado is World renowned. The quality and amount of snow, the available terrain and the laid back atmosphere sets up a great day for Companioneering on the slopes. We spend a half day together skiing, no talk of work, no stress and the only worry is; "Can I take another run?"
Tell us what you have on your TO-DO list for Colorado: We never say no! That is the spirit of Companioneering.
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