Here we have a top sale design, the Costa Rica Surfboards model The Volkswagen, It is almost the most solid complete board, behind surfers point of view I ever design, Volkswagen is a super rich driving format, but include sweet details. I focus here on a how to make a board fishy but with shortboard fundaments, The outline is semi egg in the front área, as you can see, the back área is 100% shortboard outline in wider prototype, so you have the responsive you know, when you going to the top the wave; wider tail gives you huge balance and extra flotation in the shore break surf. Volkswagen has a flat rocker, single concave to huge VEE between fins, this provides speed and quicker movement rail to rail. The Deck is flat for an extra paddle , but the rails are like a shortboard, so you can feel the boards aggressive hitting the lip. I recommend enjoying the Volkswagen surfboard same side of you, or one-inch shorter, Quad or Truster.
Skill levels: Beginners, Intermediate, advanced Wave size : knee-high - 2ft overhead